Be Encouraged My Luvlies ... You Are Not Alone on Your Journey!
Be Encouraged …
The purpose of this site is to encourage hope, faith, and positive change in anyone who needs it; and more importantly, for individuals who have given up believing their life has a purpose — we aspire to help them see that their life does matter and to understand that GOD always has a greater purpose for our lives … even when we don’t believe that HE does. But, through constant PRAYER, and PRAYING together, WE BELIEVE we can make a difference! So Be Encouraged my luvlies, because you are not alone in your journey! We are here and we are always PRAYING for you and with you.
So in the meantime, if you need a “positive boost,” just read one of the many encouragement quotes — shared on this page — to remind yourself that you are important; you matter; you are loved; you are cared for; you are PRAYED for; and despite your background or your situation, you deserve to be respected by those around you.
Remember that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CAN BELITTLE YOU; DEGRADE YOU; DISREGARD YOU; DISMISS YOU; OR MAKE YOU FEEL INFERIOR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT! I believe it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said this … so, much thanks to her for helping us further realize what GOD has already told us!
GOD Loves YOU just the way you are, so there’s no need to clean yourself up for HIM … HE will do that HIS own way and in HIS own time. All you have to do is ask HIM.
Sometimes all we need to do is be quiet and listen so we can concentrate on GOD’s word. Only then can we hear HIS answer for our lives!
Many of the encouragement quotes on this page are our own, and many of them come from social media sources that we frequent daily (facebook, twitter, google, etc.), and are only shared here to solely uplift visitors seeking encouragement, inspiration, hope, faith, confidence, optimism, support, and love. So you may have seen them passed around on some of the social networks you frequent. However, if any of them belong to you, please let us know.