God is Calling the Church to Minister to the Children …

The mime presentation stated in this video is literally one of the best dance routines explaining the “Call of the Church.”  What a powerful message for our youth, our parents, and our families.  Due to a lack of love and guidance, many of our youth are lost in this crazy, conniving, fin for yourself, money-driven-society that robs us of our hopes, our dreams, and our happiness.  Many children today are dealing with so much anger and have lost any level of hope for a future.  Some have been abandoned by family and have no one willing to offer them love or guidance, thus, they have no idea what it means to love or be loved.  Many have given up on believing and hoping for a way out of their desperate situations.

So much prayer, so much love, so much encouragement, and so much empowerment is needed to help bring our youth to a place where they believe in themselves again.  And are willing to fight for the things they truly deserve.  I hope this message lands on the ears of our youth, our parents, our aunts, uncles, etc., and inspires us to all do better.

24/7 Prayer With Worship Intercession

It is through the POWER of PRAYER and WORSHIP that we communicate and connect with the LORD on the most intimate level.  Whether we PRAY all through the day; three times a day; twice a day; or just once a day … that is when we are the closest to GOD, and when the Holy Spirit is closest to us.  

The International House of Prayer has employed 288 singers, and 4,000 musicians to minister to the LORD; serve the community; and offer unceasing worship to JESUS for 24 hrs a day – 7 days a week!  The 24 hr schedule is divided into 12 –  two hour WORSHIP based PRAYER meetings … What a delight!

Check out their “Prayer With Worship Intercession” and read about the history of “24/7 PRAYER.”  See how, and why, they chose to give HONOR, GLORY, and PRAISE to the LORD 24/7!  What a Blessing it is to see and feel the POWER of the Holy Spirit move through GOD’s people!


Energy Drink Symbols Exposed!

Sometimes we fail to pay attention to the marketing and packaging labels of the products we purchase.  And in doing so, we tend to miss a lot of things.  The host of “Truth Radio” (a channel on YouTube) presented a break down of the symbolism found in the labels, images, and text on the cans of some popular energy drinks on the market today.  We were surprised, to say the least, at which ones made his list.  

Many of us don’t even realize these subliminal messages exist — which means we obviously overlooked them or chose to ignore them during the purchasing process.  However, the radio show host does not accuse any of the companies or people that drink these drinks of being evil, but simply tries to clarify to his audience, the significance behind the corporate symbols that are being used to market these products.

Of course, there are many that disagree with his Revelation, but that doesn’t make it any less true.  The enemy has all kinds of ways to distract us while trying to make us believe he is helping us.  ALL of his work is done underhandedly — subliminally if you will and is why we as believers — through DIVINE intervention — have to be aware of these things.  Because nonbelievers are incapable of understanding the discerning spirit of a Christian, they downplay, attack and criticize their beliefs.  But that’s OK because we understand their plight.  GOD’s word reminds us that the natural mind is unable to perceive the things of the Spirit — therefore, it is unable to comprehend what the HOLY SPIRIT is telling us.

Corinthians 2:14   (KJV)

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

For this reason, many will perish because of their lack of understanding.

Hosea 4:6   (KJV)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

The reason why we as Christians believe that it is highly likely these symbols represent exactly what the host explains is because Ephesians 6:12  (KJV) tells us:

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

So we must be aware and alert at all times.  At any rate, we thought it was worth sharing!  Check it out!



I came across this wonderful message about GOD’s Love for us and thought it needed to be shared!  Sometimes we just need a little cheering up!  Colorful and fun; encouraging and assuring; a beautiful message that reminds us just how much HE cares for us!  So just in case you didn’t know … GOD LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!  Go see for yourself just how much!  

Have a wonderful day my friends and spread the word when you can!



Who Said Our Youth Doesn’t Understand?

I came across this powerful video and felt the need to share it.  This church was truly BLESSED on Youth Day by this young lady; and it is very clear that GOD has HIS hands on her and has great things in store for her!  I was extremely honored to hear this phenomenal young lady deliver GOD’s message in such a powerful way.  LISTEN, and hear the BLESSING for yourself!


Swissvale, PA Community Garden Phase 2

 “And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.”   (Genesis 6:21  KJV)

GOD is moving in a mighty way in the Swissvale, PA area.  One of the borough’s own has made it his mission to find a way  “…to provide opportunities for community engagement through gardening to help nourish community relationships as well as the residents of Swissvale and surrounding neighborhoods with the growth of fresh produce.”

Read about this exciting venture in his own words …  


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