The mime presentation stated in this video is literally one of the best dance routines explaining the “Call of the Church.”  What a powerful message for our youth, our parents, and our families.  Due to a lack of love and guidance, many of our youth are lost in this crazy, conniving, fin for yourself, money-driven-society that robs us of our hopes, our dreams, and our happiness.  Many children today are dealing with so much anger and have lost any level of hope for a future.  Some have been abandoned by family and have no one willing to offer them love or guidance, thus, they have no idea what it means to love or be loved.  Many have given up on believing and hoping for a way out of their desperate situations.

So much prayer, so much love, so much encouragement, and so much empowerment is needed to help bring our youth to a place where they believe in themselves again.  And are willing to fight for the things they truly deserve.  I hope this message lands on the ears of our youth, our parents, our aunts, uncles, etc., and inspires us to all do better.

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