Hello Everyone ... I'm so glad you stopped by!

So, just a little about me …

Servant of God.  God Servant.  Christian.  Lover of Christ …  heck, they all equate to the same thing.  Simply put, I am a child of God.   🙂 

But that’s just part of who I am.  And to share a few more descriptions, I am also a Lover of Life.  A Positive Thinker.  A Compassionate Soul and a Jovial Spirit — and I want to take a moment to share with you, a little bit more about my life, and the reason I decided to put this site together.  

If you’ve had a chance to read through the site prior to getting here, then you probably have an idea as to why I made this decision.

A Humble Servant of God …

As I mentioned earlier, I am a Christian, and was told early in life that I have a “heart of a servant,” and that while GOD has BLESSED me with many spiritual gifts, one of my strongest is “Service.”  I was told that I am naturally drawn to people with problems; people who suffer misfortune; or people that — for whatever reason — have lost hope and believe their lives no longer have a purpose.  And I’m sure if you asked my mother, she’d probably say not only was I drawn to these types of people, but to anyone that was more abnormal than normal … lol!  Especially after one of my so-called “rescue attempts” quietly walked up behind her while she was at the kitchen sink doing dishes and just silently stood there without saying a word.  And of course, when she turned around, she was startled and taken aback and couldn’t figure out where he’d come from, and why he was silently standing there watching her.  Although I felt I understood his behavior, her reaction was quite different, and hilarious to say the least.

Now, of course, I had no idea what it meant to have this “gift” they said I had.  Nor did I have any idea how to use it.  All I knew was that anytime I was around someone that was suffering or going through a crisis, my body, my mind, and my spirit — literally — felt it.  A strong sense of empathy and compassion for their burdens would overcome me — and in some strange way, connect my spirit to theirs.  It was as if I could inherently feel their suffering.  Not understanding this “gift”, I was held captive by my own desire — or so I thought — to help lighten their load or to somehow try to help alleviate their suffering. 

It was only after I was able to speak with the person and share a word of encouragement; offer a prayer; a friendly smile; or just lend them my ear, that my spirit would be released from this captivity.  More often than not, they offered their stories to me on their own … as I made no effort to push or pry, but only to listen.  Following the Spirit’s lead, if the opportunity presented itself — in my own unique way, I’d share the word of GOD with them (just in case they didn’t know), or perhaps just say a PRAYER with them.  But if it didn’t, I’d leave them with a paraphrase of GOD’s word and add them to my PRAYER list for whatever condition or circumstance they were suffering from.  

I never attributed any of this behavior to me having a “gift,” but instead to a behavior that was just inherently present within me.  I was never sure if any of my offerings made a difference to them, or if they were even what they needed to hear at the time.  But afterwards … always afterwards … I felt as though a burden had been lifted from me and my heart was free to move on … and I felt certain that I had done the right thing!

But as I grew, GOD began to reveal to me — on the contrary — that it was not at all my “own desire” that caused me to feel that way, but it was indeed a “gift” that HE placed inside of me that enabled me to recognize and deeply feel when others were troubled … even when they tried to hide behind their smiles and pretenses.  Though, through GOD, and unbeknownst to myself, my capabilities allowed me to see past both.  I could see them as I saw myself — human; vulnerable; uncertain; humbled, and protected, and often times afraid.  PRAISE GOD for helping me to see.  Always, Amen.

Fast forward to today — I’ve become great friends with my “gift.”  My purpose is much clearer these days, and I undoubtedly understand what it means to have a “heart of a servant.”  Why?  Because GOD BLESSED me with this “gift” long before I knew I possessed it; long before I knew how to use it; and long before I knew what it meant to have it.  Others managed to see this long before I did, and tests revealed it as well — but I didn’t think of it that way. 

Needless to say, GOD has since started positioning me for greater things, which means HIS work in me will soon begin to come to fruition.  Thank you, LORD, for that, and I receive it!  Albeit I am still learning, and still growing — at this point in my life, I feel better prepared for discovering and working with my purpose, to become the servant HE would have me to become.  

We are here to do GOD’s will and to be a servant to HIS people.  While there are many characteristics that make us good servants, the following are most important to me — and I strive to live up to each of them each day:

  • Being a Thankful Servant – Always giving thanks to GOD for all that HE does  (Rom 1:8)
  • Being a Prayerful Servant – PRAY and PRAY often (Rom 1:9)
  • Being an Available Servant – To be used by GOD at times of HIS choosing (John 6:1 – 14)
  • Being a Humble Servant – Remember to give GOD the glory.  HE deserves it, not us.  So humble yourself in his presence (Rom 1:12)
  • Being an Alert Servant – Able to listen for GOD’s audible voice when HE is speaking to us (Mark 13:32 – 37)
  • Being a Submitted Servant – Submit to HIS will — for everything we have comes from HIM (Rom 1:10)
  • Being a Giving Servant – It’s always better to give than receive.  Be of service to GOD’s people (Rom 1:11)
  • Being an Obedient Servant – Ready and willing to accept the task GOD gives us (Rom 5:19)

And this brings me to why I decided to put this site together.

The reason is …  

To provide a place where PRAYER WARRIORS can come together and PRAY for one another and for any situation in their heart,  or circumstance they find themselves in.  I believe that GOD hears the prayers of HIS people and that HE listens, answers, and responds to them all … even if it’s not the answer we’re hoping to hear.  Collectively our PRAYERS can change things.  For sure, we ALL know someone who is suffering; who has been hit with misfortune; or who has given up believing their life has a purpose.  These are our brothers and sisters and we cannot let them go through it alone.

(Matthew 25:35 – 40; KJV)

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

So much PRAYER is needed and I’d love for you to join me in trying to build a stronger community of warriors that care enough to PRAY one for another, including the ones we don’t agree with; and the ones that make us so angry that we want to shake them to their core.  And the ones with their nasty attitudes and that stab us in the back or throw us under the bus.  Thus, let us not forget the ones that betray us and are disloyal to us.  And finally, the ones we’re just too damn tired to care about because we’re too busy caring about problems of our own.

We also want to PRAY for those who have given up hope; who don’t know who JESUS is; who are depressed; who are down-trodden; who need encouragement; who have no family; who are grieving; who are selfish; who want to be delivered from their addiction; who are being abused both verbally and physically; who don’t believe that Christ exists; and who just simply need someone to believe in them.

PRAYER doesn’t end with humans, many of us have pets; need jobs; need new cars; need surgery but have no health care; need counseling; and then there are marriages and divorces that need PRAYER, etc.  The list goes on, but these are the kinds of things we want to be PRAYING for in addition to the utter turmoil going on in this world.  So we want to lift these situations and circumstances up in PRAYER at all times.

While you are here, please take the time to render a prayer or to request a prayer — it doesn’t matter for whom or for what.  All we ask is that you PRAY … PRAY from your heart; PRAY without ceasing, and PRAY that GOD will continue to use us for HIS Glory, as we will be PRAYING the same for you.  The internet is a powerful tool that gives us a way to reach millions.  Imagine the number of PRAYERS we can send up when we join our voices, our worship, and our PRAISE.  Many will benefit from the POWER of our PRAYERS, and the number of people that GOD will touch in return will be astounding! 

I could go on forever with how excited we are about this, but I must digress now.  So before I wrap up, I just want to tell you:

We know your time is valuable, and you could have chosen to visit a million other sites.  But if you landed here, and spent time reading and moving through the site, we hope you found the information useful and worthwhile.  We hope you will stop back often, as we will continually be adding more information for you to read through and videos for you to watch.  But in the meantime, please add and request PRAYER(S) as much as you like.  Our first goal is to reach 100 prayers, and we PRAY that you will help make that happen.  

Sincerely, we thank you for being so gracious with your time.  You are truly appreciated … and have our utmost GRATITUDE, for we are not ones who take anything for granted!

I PRAY many BLESSINGS will come your way and that GOD will begin to prosper you to the next level.  I know HE will so be ready to receive it when HE does.  Amen.

Please feel free to share this website with others … the more warriors, the stronger the force!

Be Blessed my friends, and I’ll see you in the PRAYER ROOM!

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