Prayers Submitted by Family, Friends & Visitors!

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(You’re In Prayer Room 1)


“What the world needs now, is PRAYER sweet PRAYER —

It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.”

The Prayer Room is open, so if you’d like to share a prayer with us we’d be delighted to receive it!  For as much as we are able, we should take the time to pray for one another.  Daily Prayer is necessary because it reminds us who is really in control of our lives; and because our lives are changing daily, it gives us an opportunity to share what we’re going through — whether good or bad — with God.  Overall, it’s how our spirits stay connected, and how we grow as Christians.  So Praying for ourselves and for each other only makes the kingdom stronger. 

“The LORD restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the LORD increased all that Job had twofold.”  (Job 42:10  KJV)

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  (James 5:16  KJV)


So, What Happens After I Share A Prayer?

After being reviewed, all PRAYERs will be displayed in the list below so that other warriors can read them and begin to intercede on your behalf.  We connect with PRAYER warriors across the miles, who also believe in the POWER of PRAYER and want to be in agreement with you.  You will be notified by email once your PRAYER is ready for viewing in the list below.

** Please allow 24 – 48 hrs for your PRAYER to show in the list below. 

PRAYER Share Form





**Note:  Prayers marked “– Submitted By: Webmaster” are Prayed by evangelists, pastors, speakers, friends, etc. that we are connected with elsewhere, and shared here by the webmaster.

Dear Lord,

I come at this time asking prayer for my daughter Rae as she presents her program “From Death To Life”,  I ask that you be there with her as she ministers to others who will be up-lifted by her journey.  I ask your blessing on all who are stuck in this same situation and that they would be delivered.  I ask that all of the participants helping her would be a blessing to those who are ministered to.  These blessings I ask in your precious name.  Amen.

(2015 . Nov . 19)

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Audrey Nesby

Dear  Lord,

I look forward to the day when absolute obedience to You will be as automatic as breathing.  Lord, continue to grow me in your knowledge and wisdom as I surrender to you daily.

In Jesus Name,


(2015 . Sept . 08)

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Danel Payne

Dear Heavenly Father I bring to you tonight my prayer for Phillip Payne.  I’m asking you to be with him and his family in his hour of need I pray that you keep him through his sickness and grant him healing.  This prayer I ask in your precious name. Amen.

-- Prayed and Submitted by: Audrey Nesby

(2015 . Sept . 05)

Dear Lord, I bring this prayer to you today for my friend Tyrone…He is a very gentle and caring person.  Please be with him in his time of sickness and need.  For it is only you that can restore him.  I ask for healing for him in your name.  Amen.

-- Prayed and Submitted by: Audrey Nesby

(2015 . Aug . 25)

Dear Lord, So many people close to me are experiencing strange illnesses that are severe and very unusual. I know that when your people rise up and boldly proclaim you as Lord, the enemy is not pleased. You are doing a great work among the people of God and the church is answering the call.  I am seeing reconciliation and unity among various denominations and races and together we seek to do Your will. We have entered into battle proclaiming the victory you promised us over 2,000 years ago. Help us to be alert to the enemy’s attacks towards us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally and show us how to call upon the power of the Holy Spirit for assistance.  I bind all attacks of the enemy against our families, our finances, and our communities. I pray that your warring angels will surround us throughout each day. Teach us to not only dress daily in the whole armor of God, also help us to learn how to use the weapons you have given us. I speak against satan and his demons in the name of Jesus. Help us to remember we have all power in You.

Revelation 12:9 tells us, “And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth and his angels were thrown down with him.”

Let your Word remind us constantly that the battle is already won. We need only believe and stay focused on you. Your will be done, O Lord.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted by: Danel Payne

(2015 . Aug . 18)

Dear Lord,

You have shaped us into the unique people we are today.  You have created us to do good works.  We are awed that you prepared things in advance for us to do.  From the very beginning, You made each of us for a specific job in Your kingdom. Give us the courage to take hold of that task. Help us not to shy away from the challenges that face us.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

— Shared & Submitted by: Danel E. Payne (2015 . Jul . 22)

— Book Source: “Power Prayers to Start Your Day” (Author: Donna K. Maltese)

Oh Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth.  I come now thanking you for another day.  Thanking you for all the gifts that you have given to me and my family.  I will be forever thankful for all of your blessings.  I ask you to stay with me and help me keep my mind stayed on you.  For only you can be that help that I need.  I ask continual blessings on all my children and grandchildren.  I especially ask for prayer for Vanessa and her children.  Let her see that without you she is lost.  When all is said and done and the end is here, I ask for a home in your kingdom where we can praise your holy name forever.   Amen

-- Prayed & Submitted by: Audrey E. Nesby

(2015 . Jul . 21)

Dear Lord, As Believers saved by grace, show us how to continually worship you with our whole beings no matter what consequences we may face because of our faith. Your word tells us we may suffer because of our decision to live for you. Help us to be aware of your presence and your precepts for us as your children. Make us anxious to do your will and not chase our own desires no matter what the circumstances.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

“So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.”  (1 Peter 4:19 NLT) 

-- Prayed & Submitted by: Danel E. Payne

(2015 . Jul . 15)

Father in Heaven, thank you for your mercy!  Right now I am asking for a HEALING for my mother-in-law who had another episode with her COPD yesterday evening, and is now in the hospital on a ventilator.  Please LORD, help her recover from this episode and give her the strength she needs to make it through.  We know you deliver miracles everyday, so please LORD, let this be one of them.  Guide the hands, the eyes, and the minds of every doctor involved with her recovery; and after they administer the tests, please let them find the answers to the questions they seek.  Give them wisdom, give them patience, give them guidance and give them accuracy so that no mistakes are made while they further diagnose the possibility of other problems.  Help them decide on the right kind of treatment to help with her illness.  Also Father, please comfort my father-in-law.  Give him rest, give him peace and give him strength.  Remove any doubt from his mind regarding his handling of the situation, and let him know that he did exactly what he needed to do in a timely fashion.  Please do not let this weigh on him.  Bless him til the end LORD.  As for Mikey and Mark … peace be with them both.  They both feel helpless right now and wish they could do more,  but remind them that you have the final say and that you alone are Jehovah Rapha … A LORD THAT HEALS … and you have the POWER to make her well again.  Please send a calm spirit to protect their family and a loving spirit to comfort them.  Right now I claim victory over this entire situation, and I command the enemy to flee her presence.  Hallelujah LORD, for I am humbled in your presence and I am amazed by your GLORY.  I give you PRAISE for all that you have done and all that I know you will do.  I believe that her HEALING is complete, and that it is done according to your will.  For this LORD, I thank you.  In JESUS’ precious name, this is my PRAYER, and I am asking it in your name. Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Jacquie Rhodes

(2015 . Jul . 15)

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.  The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.  Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.  For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”  (Psalm 1)

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 14)

Thank you LORD for a wonderful week!  I PRAY that this week will be filled with more opportunities than the last.  I ask not only for myself, but for everyone out there looking for change.  The sick need HEALING; the poor and the unemployed need finances; the lonely need a friend; the unhappy need joy; the guilty need forgiven; the non-believers need a change of heart; and some of us just need a miracle to change our situation.  But for all these things LORD, I know that we can find them in you; and that you already know what each of us needs.  So I ask that you order our steps, and guide our paths and let today be the start of a fruitful and glorious week for all of us; and in accordance with your word, help us to receive the changes we need.  In the wonderful and precious name of JESUS, I thank you for this day; this week; and this life.  Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 13)

Dear LORD, Bless this website.  Please let it be a fun, comfortable place where people come together to PRAY for one another, and to share testimonies about the goodness of the LORD.  Let it be a place where we can give PRAISE and THANKS for all the wonderful things you are doing.  Help me to share stories that are relevant to the Christian experience, and that are encouraging and uplifting to our viewers.  Let it be a place where your people — believers and non-believers alike — can find answers to the basic question:  What Must I Do to be Saved?.  Help me to provide the best scriptures to make their understanding easy.  And LORD, help me to present tee shirt designs and other Faith items that will be of interest to our visitors.  Bless this site, and all the visitors that will share in helping it grow.  In JESUS’ name, Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 13)

PRAISE GOD for HE is WORTHY!  Thank you LORD for a peaceful night’s rest and a glorious awakening this morning!  LORD, give us the strength and courage we need to live inside your will today.  Teach us how to do what you would have us to do; and us how to be the person you would have us to be.  Help us not to be anxious about anything; but through PRAYER and supplication, with THANKSGIVING, show us how to make our request known to you.  Show us how to better devote ourselves to your PURPOSE; to PRAYER, and to being more WATCHFUL and THANKFUL for your gift of the HOLY SPIRT.  Teach us LORD how to seek your face, and how to PRAY for others in need so that we ourselves may be HEALED.  LORD I thank you for your MERCY, your GOODNESS, and your GRACE.  In the MIGHTY and PRECIOUS name of JESUS, I thank you, and I PRAY, Amen.
-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 11)

Good morning LORD!  No matter how glib or uncertain my situation is; no matter that I didn’t find employment yet; no matter that my financial situation is really lacking and I can’t afford to do any of the important repairs that need to be done on the inside and outside of my house; no matter that my car sits in the drive way unable to run because I can’t afford to get it fixed, or get a new one; no matter that I cry every day wondering when my situation will change; and no matter that my husband also stresses and worries about these things every day and whether or not he’s going to lose his job soon; and no matter that we soon may not be able to pay some of our bills because our savings are quickly running out … I LIFT MY CHIN UP, and give THANKS to the LORD above!  Today – regardless of it all -- I remain STEADFAST and UNMOVABLE & PATIENT and FAITHFUL to GOD’s will.  I give ALL GLORY, PRAISE, and THANKS to HIM for ALL the things that I do have!  Thank you LORD for all the wonderful BLESSINGS that you’ve bestowed upon me like – waking me up this morning with a sound mind; breath in my body and a roof over my head; for giving me a family that I love and who loves me; friends that I adore and that adore me; the ability to laugh and smile; good health; a husband that genuinely cherishes and respects me, and TRULY has my back; a mother that is still here with me; siblings that are doing great; opportunities that I know will eventually turn into something great; the ability to learn and to get an education when I need to; the ability to empathize with, and have compassion for others; televisions in my home to watch and music to listen to at will; the freedom to speak my mind and to come and go when I please; the ability to make my own decisions; food to eat; clean water to shower or bathe each day; a real bed to lie down in when I’m tired; a phone – and a cell phone -- to call people when I want; and the freedom to WORSHIP and PRAISE my GOD openly and unashamedly.  NONE of these things do I take for granted, but for all of them LORD, I am GRATEFUL; Truly APPRECIATIVE; and most THANKFUL -- because ALL of what I have is far more important than what I do not.  LORD, I PRAY this PRAYER for any person going through these kinds of struggles, or any struggle not be mentioned here.  BREATHE and RELAX, because GOD's got your back!  Amen.
-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 9)

Dear LORD, grant us patience today as we wait for the BLESSING of a new job; a new house; a new car; the return of a loved one; the healing of a loved one, family or friend; or whatever it is that we are waiting for.  Give us the courage to leave our comfort zones and branch out to try something new … something that GLORIFIES you LORD and that will serve your purpose.  Teach us how to genuinely LOVE one another, and how to be supportive of one another.  Help us to keep our mouths closed if we have nothing encouraging or uplifting to say; and help us refrain from gossiping about one another behind their backs … for we know that the tongue is sharp as a sword and it can hurt and destroy ... moreover, it does not GLORIFY you.  Teach us to be wise and careful about what we say, for we know that kind and gentle words bring healing, hope and positive energy to those around us.  Help us to stay inside your will today LORD, and to not stray or give up believing our situations are going to change soon.  We thank you for this day LORD, for your MERCY, your GOODNESS and your GRACE.  In the precious name of JESUS, we PRAY, Amen.
-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 08)

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 06)

Thank you for another day of life LORD!  Another day always means another opportunity.  This new day has come, and so many of us still have not found employment and are beginning to lose hope.  Dear LORD, give us the patience we need to hold on.  Help us to stay focused on your word, and to keep believing that our time is coming.  Remind us that even though it seems quite bleak right now, in time we shall see the BLESSING that you will rain down upon us.  Help us not to turn away from you to go our own way, but to remain steadfast and unmovable and rooted in your PROMISE. LORD, as we go through this day, order our steps in the way we should go and help us to be attentive to your word and to adhere to your guidance.  Strengthen our FAITH as we continue to seek your guidance; and open new doors for us to explore.  We give you HONOR, GLORY and PRAISE.  And we thank you for today and all that is contained within.  In the precious name of JESUS, we PRAY, Amen.
-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jul . 03)

Oh LORD, it seems like there’s so much to do!  Forgive us when we forget to take time to give you the HONOR, GLORY, and PRAISE that you are due.  In this “mad-rush” society, we move about so quickly that we don’t take time to remember the BLESSINGS that you have bestowed upon us.  LORD, help us not to be so caught up in the demands of this world, but to be settled in the calmness and quiet of your SPIRIT.  Thank you for watching over our families while we slept, and for keeping us protected inside of our homes.  As we go through this day, help us to be mindful of your presence and obedient to your will.  Give us patience while we wait for our situations to change.  We thank you for all that you have done, and all that we know you will do.  Open our hearts today LORD and use us for your GLORY; and help us to become the vessels that carry and share your word with your people.  In the MIGHTY and PRECIOUS name of JESUS, we thank you and we PRAY, Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jun . 25)

Forgive them LORD, for they know not what they do.  You said in your word that your “…people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge” Well LORD today we PRAY for knowledge.  Open our ears that we might hear, and open our eyes that we might see.  Help us to understand your word and how it applies to our lives. Reveal to us, and help us better identify the subliminal messages portrayed by the enemy that are hidden in a multitude of things in this world with the sole purpose of destroying us.  Give us a clear vision so that we can get better at exposing him and his work.  Strengthen us with your POWER; help us to put on our full armor; and give us the WISDOM and INTELLIGENCE we need to defend against his attacks.  For we know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. So LORD, prepare us to do your will; and help us to hide your word in our heart, so that when we need it most, we know exactly where to find it. 

Today we also PRAY for non-believers of GOD and unsaved persons who don’t know, or have never heard about Jesus Christ.  Let them have an encounter that’s unlike any encounter they’ve ever had, one that would bear witness to Jesus Christ, and one that would share with them what it means to be SAVED.  Give them a spark of HOPE in a way that only you can do.  Give them something to smile about, to be happy about, and to be JOYFUL about.  And for the ones who follow a belief system that teaches them to have FAITH that GOD does not exist — LORD, have MERCY on their souls.  There are so many people that would like proof that you exist; but we know you are not in the “proving” business — but LORD, you are in the MIRACLE making business, and we’re asking today for a MIRACLE for each and every one of them that refuse to believe you exist.  Show them in a mighty way that you do, touch their hearts, and open their minds that they would be able to receive your message when it comes to them, and understand your purpose for their lives.  LORD, we know that you already know who will serve you in the end, and who will not … so let your will be done.  We thank you for the BLESSING of LOVE LORD, and for the GRACE that you make abound towards us each and every day.  In your precious name LORD, we do PRAY, Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jun . 24)

Good Morning LORD!  Thank you for the BLESSING of today!  For waking me up to new mercies and new opportunities!  Feel me with your HOLY SPIRIT that I might stay in your will and not my own.  Give me the strength I need to make it through this day and get all the things done that I need to.  Open new doors LORD so that I can find opportunities that are best suited for me.  I PRAY for my mother and the rest of my family that you would give them perfect peace today.  Help them in their endeavors today, and open new doors for them as well.  Give my mother the strength and encouragement that she needs to move forward with publishing her book.  Lead her in the right direction and to the right people who will help her get this done.  As I go through this day LORD, I will not complain, I will not worry, and I will not fret because I know that you are working things out for my good.  BLESS all the homeless people; the sick-and-shut-ins; the abused and the forgotten; the angry; those that are hurting; the hopeless and the lost.  Let something wonderful happen in their life today that would let them know that you are there.  Please send a change LORD.  Do not let them go through this life feeling alone … they need you to show up LORD in a way that only you can.  Thank you for their lives.  For those of us who are holding onto to the bitterness of the past, and constantly remembering the awful things that happened to them, give them a new vision right now LORD.  Change their minds; change their thoughts FATHER, for your children are hurting badly and need your comfort.  Replace their hatred with love; and their despair with new hopes and dreams.  Let them move past the pain and remind them that they are more than what happened to them.  I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS over all of our lives, and I command the enemy to flee from us right now.  We CLAIM VICTORY today over all the evil in this world, right now at this moment and going forward.  In your precious name LORD, please hear my PRAYER, Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jun . 23)

Thank you for the BLESSING of today LORD!  I pray that as I go through this day that you would fill me with your HOLY SPIRIT and remove any negativity or doubt that I have that would block my BLESSING for happening.  Help me to remain positive and focused and to know that all things will happen in time.  Dear LORD, I am praying for new doors to open and new ideas to come.  As I continue searching for employment, I ask for your guidance to lead me to the right company … one that would allow me to work on a flexible schedule; one that offers good pay; one that gives me room to grow; one that will not be extremely stressful like my previous positions; one that allows me the ability to be creative; one that genuinely cares about its employees; and one that I will truly enjoy working for.  I extend this PRAYER to include anyone out there in dire need of employment; I ask this for each of them as well.  LORD, you know where we are hurting the most, and you know exactly what each of us needs personally and financially, and we trust that you will meet each of us where we stand.  Please lead us to the people that will play a part in providing employment for each of us; and touch their hearts and minds to move swiftly in making us an offer.  You know who these people are and you know which companies they will be — so please LORD, move swiftly on our behalf … we need your DIVINE intervention to move forward.  I claim VICTORY over each of our situation, and pray that a shift in our finances will happen soon.  We will humbly wait for your POWER, GRACE, and MERCY to advance us to the next level.  In the MIGHTY and PRECIOUS name of JESUS I do pray, Amen.

-- Prayed & Submitted By: Teddy Eloise

(2015 . Jun . 22)

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