Please Share Your Testimony With Us ... We'd Love To Hear It!

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Share Your Testimony With Others and Help Spread the JOY! 

If you think your testimony is too small to share and that it won’t make a difference … THINK AGAIN … because it’s not, and it will!  All testimonies give glory to GOD and that’s what we’re here to do, so don’t be afraid to share!  We always enjoy hearing about GOD’s goodness, HIS mercy and HIS grace — but more importantly –you never know who’s life your testimony is going to touch.  You have an opportunity to possibly make a difference in someone’s life!  So c’mon honey … don’t be shy … share your testimony!

Also, after submitting your praise report or testimony, please allow 24 – 48 hrs for it to show in the list below. 

Testimony / Praise Report Form





Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share their testimony with us.  We are truly BLESSED by HIS goodness and mercy!  Hearing the testimonies of others is a huge encouragement to us all and reassures us that GOD is working even when we think HE’s not.  GOD Bless you all!

Praise GOD for today! Thank you LORD for the Blessing of Mama and Aunt D’s new home being reading for mid-July! We’ve been waiting to hear this good news for quite a while. There’s been so many minor set backs and date changes, that we had no idea if it would happen this month. But now the time has come, and they have been given the OK to move in in the middle of July. PRAISE GOD for making it happen! Now LORD we thank for a smooth transition into their new home. And thank you for Aunt Mary Ann being such a gracious host and giving them a place to lie down and a roof over their head. We thank you for her being moved into the 10th position for the apartment that she is waiting for. Hallelujah to your name LORD and we give you HONOR, GLORY and PRAISE for another PRAYER answered! Hallelujah JESUS!  

(2015 . July . 08)

-- Testified by: Teddy Eloise

Today the LORD woke me up clothed in my right mind.  I am grateful for all that HE has done and all that he is doing.  On the days I feel like throwing the towel in, HE BLESSES and reminds me that I must remain steadfast and unmovable; and that I must continue to be patient because my time is coming.  It seems like it’s taking forever, but I am beginning to see some progress from the fruits of my labor.  So I  keep pushing forward.  I give HONOR and GLORY to HIS name, for I know it will be well worth the effort when it happens.  I know that HE is ordering my steps according to HIS WILL.  I am THANKFUL TO GOD … HE is GOOD!     

(2015 . June . 05)

-- Testified by: Teddy Eloise


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