When We Transition From the Phoenix to the Eagle ... That's Spiritual Rebirth!

Spiritual Rebirth — as it applies to humanity, can easily be understood by looking at the “rise of the phoenix” metaphor.

So it goes …

The phoenix is a mythological creature that never dies and cyclically rises from the ashes of its predecessor.  It is understood to be a symbol of renewal.  Legend has it that the phoenix can live for 1400 years before being reborn.  When it dies, the most popular version of the legend says it burns to death, while older versions say the bird decomposes before it’s reborn.  However, most of us are probably more familiar with the former version of the legend.  But no matter which legend you follow, the point is to understand that the human SALVATION process mimics the cyclical life of this mythical bird … because like the phoenix, we too must die to self before we can rise and be reborn.  

On the contrary, the phoenix’s  resurrection from death to life symbolizes Christ’s resurrection in that HE is eternal — HE is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last (Rev 22:13  KJV).  Death could not hold HIM down.  So by submitting our lives to CHRIST and allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to take control, we spiritually die to the flesh and are born again through Christ.  It is through this process that we allow our current behaviors to “crash and burn” and permit new ones to “rise and rebirth.”  

Regardless of whether we go through this process as a result of —

  • our lives being torn apart because of poor decisions we’ve made; or
  • being lead  to the acceptance of JESUS CHRIST by a family member or friend; or
  • just having the desire to live a more spirit-filled life on GOD’s terms …

It is how we are re-birthed; how we rise from the ashes; and how we — as humans — transition “from the phoenix to the eagle” to live a supremely rational and renewed life that’s rooted in faith, obedience, strength and the understanding of GOD’s truth.  For GOD’s word tells us:

For GOD’s word tells us:

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31  KJV)

So patiently we wait.  And in GOD’s time — only in HIS time — will we be reborn and begin to “rise from the ashes.”  We will take on a new form; become a new creature; have a renewed mind, and live a renewed life with a renewed sense of purpose.

“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  (2 Corinthians 5:17  KJV)

Glory to Your Name Lord!  We thank You for Your gift of eternal life and for allowing us to “make the transformation from the phoenix to the eagle.”  We love You Lord, and we PRAISE Your Holy Name.  Amen.


— Teddy Eloise

(Spiritual Rebirth: From the Phoenix to the Eagle)

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